Singer and songwriter Zoe is head over heels with her second single!

There is no better feeling than being young, dumb and in love. This is precisely what the theme singer Zoé writes about in her latest single titled, ‘’Lief hê’’. Lief hê is about a girl that has fallen head-over-heels in love. It’s about the honeymoon phase of a relationship where you feel like this feeling is going to last forever,’’ the singer explained.

‘’Liefhê’’ follows the successful release of her debut single, ‘’Crazy Meisie.’’  Zoé explained: ‘’After the release of ‘’Crazy Meisie’’ my life changed completely, and I realised that I am going to get to make music for a living. ‘’Crazy Meisie’’ is playing on so many radio stations and the music video received 18 000 views in less than a month. I couldn’t believe it. It just felt so surreal.’’

In terms of feeling ‘’Lief hê’’ is quite the opposite to ‘’Crazy Meisie’’ which was written as a beak-up song. ‘’ I wrote ‘’Lief hê’’ before I wrote ‘’Crazy meisie’’.  ‘’Lief hê’’ was the beginning of the story and ‘’Crazy Meisie’’ was how it turned out. My songs are written from my own experiences and where ‘’Lief hê’’ is about the good parts of a relationship, ‘’Crazy Meisie’’ came after things ended and is about the lessons I learned from that experience,’’ Zoé shared.

For Zoé it is important that she writes openly and honestly about her experiences. ‘’We all share similar experiences we all feel love, pain, and everything in between. Writing about it is my own form of therapy where I can deal with my feelings and emotions in a musical and creative way. It makes me happy, if someone else can relate to what I write about and if it helps them feel better about their day.’’

The release of ‘’Lief hê’’ also comes with a new music video where Zoé performs with Pretoria rock band, Die Ramkat mafia. According to Zoé the shoot was quite challenging as both music videos ‘’Crazy Meisie’’ and ‘’Lief hê’’ was shot on the same day. ‘’It was amazing, and it was rough. I unfortunately got a migraine in the middle of the shoot, and I knew I had to power through. Everybody worked so hard to make this shoot happen, and I knew I had to do my part. I felt like an athlete sprinting in between takes to quickly do the outfit changes,’’ she laughed.

With her music career launched, Zoé means business. She’s formed a band consisting of guitarist Mark Brown, bassist Grant Brown and drummer Ruben Radyn and they are currently rehearsing for their upcoming shows. ‘’We are very excited to be playing Aardklop on 5th of October and before that we will be playing three other arts festivals at a few high schools. I love playing at schools, because you can’t beat the energy you get from a young crowd.’’

There is also new music to forward to. ‘’My third single is also coming and it’s going to have a completely different sound to my previous two singles. I hope South Africa is ready for it.’’

Lief hê is available now on all streaming platforms. –

Lieh Hê Music Video link –




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