Pieter Toerien’s Montecasino Theatre
Wed 11 June – Sun 18 June
With Rocco de Villiers on piano, Lizelle le Roux on violin and piano accordion and Hansie Roodt Jr on guitars, concertina and stomp box.
As classic as a starched “voortrekkerkappie”, fresh as a milktart straight from the oven and mouthwatering as a “boereworsroll” from the braai, pianist and entertainer Rocco de Villiers uses his wizardry to revisit his childhood music growing up in a small town in the Free State in the 1970’s. But all in his own style, fitted for the 21st century.
Boeremusiek – classics get a new jacket with a flower and together with Lizelle and Hansie they bring new life to pieces like Umfaan, Penny Whistle Kwela, Outa in die Langpad, Kalfiewals, Hartseerwals, Die ou waenhuis, music by Jim Muller, Nico Carstens and guitar master from the 1970’s, Hansie Roodt.
BOEREMUSIEK, ROCCOSTYL is a celebration of true South African indigenous music. Get happy, get nostalgic, get a drink and get to the theatre.
Rocco, Lizelle and Hansie are well- dressed, well-rehearsed and well-oiled. Of course.
Performances: Wed – Fri @ 8pm, Sat @ 4pm & 8pm, Sun @ 3pm
Tickets: R250 & R150