*Photograph Provided
1) When did you start your music career and how did it all happen ?
I started playing guitar when I was eleven years old – and I haven’t stopped! I just always knew that making music would forever be my life. After university I had to go to the army, and as soon as I finished with that, I started a band with some old buddies of mine.
2) Sonvanger is probably your most famous song. What is the meaning of this song and where did the inspiration come from ?
Sonvanger, along with Eyeshadow, are the ones the audience always want to hear. I wrote Sonvanger about a mother whose son (who was also a musician) took his own life.
3) In 2022 you had an auction to support your wife. Please tell our readers about this amazing act of kindness ?
My wife Lanelle was diagnosed with lymphoedema in 2021. Apart from the shock and trauma, we were faced with staggering medical costs. Kobie Koen from Vonk Musiek suggested that I do an auction of memorabilia etc, and the wonderful guys from WOES TV held two auctions which raised quite a tidy sum, to put it euphemistically. In the wake of that, several other kind folks held similar events, which greatly contributed to our funds. Lanelle is in the USA as we speak, to see new specialists after a setback a couple of months ago. So it’s an ongoing thing… but we remain positive that she’ll find relief.
4) Tell us more about your new song releasing this month ?
The song is called ‘Lied van die Langpad’ – which roughly translates as ‘Song of the open road’ in English. I’ve been a traveling musician for more than 30 years. The song is basically an invitation to join me on my journey to wherever the road may take us, with all the sights and sounds and wonders that awaits us around every bend or byway.
5) Any chance for a brand new album on its’ way ?
Yes! We finished the album early in January. The official release will be on Friday 19 May. Ten brand new songs.
Hi Valiant jy is ‘n man duisend. Mag God jou vrou veilig in Sy hande hou en haar weer sterk en gesond maak. My wense aan hou en jou gesin is om nooit ophou te hoop en glo alles sal regkom nie. God seën julle in elke opsig. Sterkte.