Saturday Sunset with Corona and Radisson Red

Saturday, 26 November will see the second Corona Sunset Hour series taking place at the Radisson Red V&A Waterfront.

Come discover the best of Summer at Corona Sunsets Hour Cape Town!

This spectacular series promises you sensational moments with friends, incredible music, and as always, a magical sunset moment, creating memories to last a lifetime.

The Red-Hot Line-Up will be:

  • Mamba
  • Siya Sibaca
  • Candice Heyns
  • Kali Spirit

Free of charge, but Booking is essential via 087 086 1578.

Date: Saturday 26 November 2022

Time: 3 pm – 9 pm

#CoronaSunsetsZA #SunsetMoment #Thisisliving #RadissonHotels #radissonredcpt

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