Treverton school boys successfully complete the Drakensberg Grand Traverse

Kai Broom (recently turned 17) and Jarred van Alphen (16), are in grade 11 at Treverton College in the Midlands (KZN) and have just successfully completed the Grand Traverse which is a  246,7km along the Drakensberg Escarpment, possibly the most rigorous hike in SA – they had planned to do it over 12 days but ended up doing it in 10 days – they got back 2 earlier than planned.

They left on 26 March and returned yesterday 5 April.   Its an incredible achievement – please let me know if you would be interested in interviewing them.

The team carried all their provisions and camped with minimal equipment and the entire trip was navigated by the students.  A team hiked in half way through the traverse to do a food drop.  The boys were accompanied by a teacher Mr Shaun Robertson This was an endurance event and they will be awarded the Adventure Award by the school.

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