Make 2023 the year in which you achieve wellbeing and learn to keep it. Author Sue Fuller-Good is releasing her latest book The Sweet Spot helping readers find ways of achieving balance in their lives as a top priority – finding the glorious middle ground in absolutely everything.
Fuller-Good is no stranger to helping people feel good – as a world renowned physiotherapist and life coach she has formulated unique practical philosophies from a kaleidoscope of stories relating to her experiences in solving dilemmas of the body and the mind as they rub up against everyday life.
The stories in the book of overcoming seemingly insuperable odds, are anecdotes we can all relate to and take inspiration from. Fuller-Good explains that these are stories which have helped others to change the story of their lives today.
“The Sweet Spot is the product of my years of exploration into the subject of wellbeing – firstly how to find it, and even more importantly how to then keep it. There is no absolute answer – each person has their own journey – so the intention of The Sweet Spot is to help readers view matters differently,” she explains.
“So many of the suffering we experience in life, stems from our attitudes and the way we think about things. I wrote this book to share a way readers can reframe things so they can reduce their distress and start to live life fully. Instead of living only in their heads, arguing with reality and trying to control the future, they can live and engaged a joy-filled, energized life.”
Fuller-Good explains that “these strategies have been tested in the laboratory of my life, mind and body”. They work.
For anyone who carries delusional stories in their heads, or thoughts that linger, the strategies in this profound book will enable them to change those stories, replacing them with new and better ways to view life.
As to where Fuller-Good’s stories come from, she is a wellbeing guru of 30 solid years, a public speaker and an author. She has presented at many conferences both internationally and locally in South Africa and her work opens people’s minds and their awareness. During that time she has developed winning ways to wellbeing and has tested all her theories through her own research – in the laboratory of her own body and life as well as in the classroom in places like Harvard Medical School.
Her passion to ensure that these ideas and the book that explains them get into people’s hands all over the world, came fom Fuller-Good’s own life changing experience of falling off a mountain and surviving against all odds. She recognised that her survival – as well as her ability to rebuild her health and physical strength from ground zero to eventually getting back to her life – came from these ideas. The whole experience, she says, proved to be the final test needed to prove this stuff works!
The distillation of practical solutions found in the book originate from her multidisciplinary understanding of anatomy, physiology, neuroscience, human behaviour, psychology, nutrition, pain, cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness, spirituality and health – all combined into everything she does. She started and runs two companies, Body Brilliance and the Energy-Incubator, helping people and organisations to truly thrive.
The fuel for many of her ideas is an active life. She always says: “I’d like to teach the world to just sing. If they did they would breathe, let go and relax and they would find the passion and zest inside themselves that makes them unique and brilliant and they would find their voice and use it for the benefit of the world.”
As the founder of Body Brilliance and the Energy-Incubator and in order to help people to truly thrive on the inside and out, Sue Fuller-Good works as a specialist physiotherapist, registered life coach and facilitator of wellbeing. Having started her working life working with the dying elderly in the East End of London, Sue is super passionate about helping people to truly live while they are alive. She weaves her understanding of anatomy, physiology, neuroscience, human behaviour, psychology, nutrition, pain, spirituality and health into everything she does.
Having worked with businesses and business schools across the globe, facilitating the learning of stress management practices, the art of wellbeing creation, and instruction in mindfulness practice and body awareness, Sue has presented at many conferences both internationally and in South Africa.
Adventure and sport are at the heart of Sue’s life: she has climbed mountains in distant lands and run across islands, travelled widely and met people from all around the world. In 2017 she participated in the Women on a Mission to Ethiopia event, cycling across the Danakil Depression to raise money for female victims of abuse, violence and war.
Sue is a mom, physiotherapist, speaker, author, teacher and healer. Her talks, workshops and writing inspire people, showing them how they can truly feel great.