Jack is back…in Superstar Mode !

What an amazing weekend the boys had.

We very recently formed a media colab with the Jack Stone Empire and their hashtag #JackAndGinger and being part of this experience was truly unbelievable.

On Friday, 1st April, Jack Stone performed his first show at Barnyard Menlyn to a sold-out performance.

Upon our arrival, we met with Annelle Murray.  She had an exhibition desk at the foyer of Barnyard Menlyn where she showcased her jewellery.  What amazing little pieces of art !  From rings to arm bracelets.  Quality, sophistication, and design at its’ best.  The boys are planning something to be done for us….so watch this space….. 😊  “Nothing more said…for now”

We then entered the theatre, where we were taken backstage to meet up with Jack Stone.  What an experience to see what is happening backstage.

The theatre started filling up, pizzas was on the table, couple of bottles and wine and champagne…The show started at 7pm sharp.

First up was Maxx and Love as the opening act.

Wowsers, these two gentlemen are the definition of extreme talent.  The voice that comes out of Love’s mouth were extraordinary.  The high pitch notes, low voice, everything just perfect.  Total respect to Maxx for his incredible talent on the strings !  And to Love, for you to play two musical instruments at the same time, sing and move your hips, salute !

Mr. Stone came on stage and after the first song we knew this is going to be an incredible crowd.  Each song had cheers, applause, screams and then the “we want more” chants came.  People was hitting with both hands on the tables for Jack to come back.  It was electrifying. 

Performing songs from Bruce Springsteen, it had nearly everyone tapping their feet and nodding their heads to these epic tunes.  Jack’s voice is unique and the tribute to Springsteen was done really well.  With a husky strong voice, permanent engagement with the crowd, guitar in the hands and an all-American flag on his jacket, you cannot miss him on any of the new shows he is planning for 2022.  Or as Jack Stone himself said :  “This is not a tribute show, it is a message.”

Luke Smith, his pianist, is very well known in the industry, and his talent is out of this universe.  He is a genius on that keyboard !  What boggles my mind is how does he see the keys in the dark ? 

Anyways, Luke, well done on being part of this show.  Your amazing talent and love for music contributed to the success that this show was.  You are such a humble guy intertwined with star status, extraordinary talent, and a smile the crowd just loved.

Saturday evening, we joined the Jack Stone Empire at Barnyard Silverstar for yet another sold out performance. 

There is no better feeling to walk into a theatre again, that was fully sold out and experiencing the vibe from the crowd.

The Silverstar Barnyard show was a repeat of the Menlyn Barnyard show, so, Maxx and Love performed their amazing set once again, and had the crowd cheering for more.

Jack came on stage, and everyone went “crazy” once again.  We had sing-a-longs, cheering, applause….And a repeat of table hitting for him to come back on stage for his encore performance!

Cellphones was in nearly everyone’s hands, taking pictures and videos for a remembrance of this show.

To The Jack Stone Empire, a show extremely well put together and planned.  

Overall, an amazing experience being backstage, meeting the artists on a one-on-one basis and experiencing the theatre world from the performers’ point of view.

To everyone that attended the show, THANK YOU !!!!  You are the reason these superstars can be seen and heard.  The atmosphere you created in both the venues was unforgettable.

Keep an eye on our pages to see when and where the next shows will be and be sure to book your tickets when it opens.  These tickets sell like hot cake.

Follow us on social media by searching the hashtag #JackAndGinger and #UnfoldGSA.

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