Rebounding is fast becoming one of the most popular fitness activities globally with thousands of homes now sporting a rebounder for everyone in the family to use, often for different reasons such as overall fitness & toning, health, energy, mobility, circulation – and most of all, fun!
South Africa’s premier specialists in rebounding products and services, ReboundSA, have launched an exciting initiative, Jump for January, where you can enjoy a selection of rebound classes for free during the month! It`s safe and easy to do, you can try out different levels and styles of rebounding and discover the joy and benefits of this globally innovative and stimulating exercise phenomenon.
The original ReboundSA team have been training instructors since 2013 – and some of their top trainers have volunteered to offer free classes and a few have included an offer to join their classes live In-Studio. Most of the classes are online so you can try them out in the comfort of your own home, or via streaming videos. It’s all free and will get you bouncing into a fitter, healthier, more toned and energised 2022 !
To find out more about ReboundSA’s Jump For Jan initiative please click on this link https://reboundsa.com/jump-for-jan/ which includes a list of all participating instructors –you can you choose to try out one, a few, or even all of them…a bit like a kid in a rebound store!
Keith and Justine McFarlane’s Rebounding experience is unparalleled in Southern Africa and are recognised as South Africa’s Rebounding experts.
They’ve been Rebounding professionally for 17 years. and trained over 3000 students in the corporate, fitness, health and public sectors.
They have sold over 12 000 copies of their book ‘Rebounding for Health and Fitness’ and over 15 000 copies of their rebounding DVD’s, both nationally and internationally – and are the most qualified Rebound instructor trainers in South Africa.
Follow ReboundSA:
ReboundSA on FB : https://www.facebook.com/ReboundSA
ReboundSA on IG : https://www.instagram.com/reboundsouthafrica/?hl=en
ReboundSA on Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUiwjA5RgjU-VoGgswiEV3g