Owl Rescue SA, a 10-part reality television series, featuring the conservation power couple Brendan and Danelle Murray, will premiere on BBC Earth (channel 184 DStv) at 6pm on 11 March 2023. Produced by PD Production, Owl Rescue SA shines a light on the incredible work that is done by Owl Rescue Centre, a non-profit conservation organisation in South Africa.
With the rapid rise of urbanisation throughout South Africa, and especially in Johannesburg and its surrounds, the relationship between owls and humans has become volatile. In the show, misunderstood animals such as owls, and other wild creatures, find themselves in life-threatening and precarious situations, and in desperate need of a helping hand when their habitats overlap with those of humans. Owl Rescue Centre, founded and run by husband and wife Brendan and Danelle Murray, aims to rescue and rehabilitate owls that fall victim to these situations; whether it’s a spotted eagle owl trapped in a toilet paper factory, baby barn owls that need to be relocated from a cell phone tower, or simply caring for and rearing of orphaned fledglings that have lost their parents as victims of persecution, through the ignorance of cultural beliefs.
For the past 15 years Owl Rescue Centre, based in Hartebeespoort Dam in the North West province, have focused their attention on the well-being of South Africa’s wild owl population. Among thousands of successful owl rescues, the Centre also rescues and rehabilitates other wild animals including porcupines, peacocks, serval cats, otters and many more. The list seems to grow longer with each passing day. Owl Rescue SA will give viewers a first-hand look at some of these rescues.
Nico Nel, Producer of Owl Rescue SA, notes that being able to shine a light on the selfless work being done by Owl Rescue Centre is incredibly rewarding. “To be able to produce a show that really makes a difference to a community, and to create something tangible that enriches people’s lives, is really any producers dream. Producing Owl Rescue SA has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever been part of and we’re extremely excited to share the journey with both local and international BBC Earth viewers,” says Nel.
Pierre Cloete, Commercial Director at BBC Studios in Africa says “I am thrilled to bring another high quality, local production to audiences in Africa. From the talented team behind the Listing Series’ on BBC Lifestyle, this powerful documentary will shine light on the incredible conservation work carried out in our country. The 10-part series is yet another BBC Earth series that the whole family can enjoy together!”
“It has been such a humbling experience to work with and film two passionate, selfless conservationists. Every rescue is treated with the same importance, and no effort was spared to save a patient,” adds Trevor Kaplan, co-producer of Owl Rescue SA.
Tune in to the premiere of Owl Rescue SA on Saturday 11 March 2023 at 18h00 on BBC Earth (DStv channel 184), with new episodes every Saturday at 18h00, also available on DStv catch up.
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