Exclusive Interview with international model, television presenter, actress and entrepreneur, Ronette Marx.

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Johannesburg-based Marx, 35, who is affectionately known as Ronny, looks back on 20 years in the modelling industry with an exhibition highlighting some of her most popular and meaningful work.

The self-proclaimed farm girl from Bloemfontein has spent her adult life working as a film and television personality, with her “big break” coming from being scouted as a 14-year-old through a local modelling competition.

This led to her making the move from Bloemfontein to Cape Town and then India. She has now added mother to her job portfolio and navigates parenting life along with her race car driver husband: Antonie Marx. 

Frequently headlining big campaigns, magazine inserts and covers, Ronny is represented by The Circle Models in Cape Town, ICE Models in Johannesburg and Toabh in India.

Marx has recently been named Brand Ambassador for the Opulent Models group, the biggest international model competition in the country, filling the Sunbet Arena at Times Square with thousands and creating the opportunity for new faces to start an international modelling career, just like she did. The Opulent Model search has produced numerous runway models that can be seen walking runways around the world such as London fashion week. Ronette will be involved as a brand partner, work with the Opulent management agency and scout for new talent, as well as be there for support and guidance to all models.

Galore SA Media had the amazing opportunity of getting an interview with this power woman. Thank You to Clayton Morar for facilitating this interview.

Your “big break” happened at the age of 14.  This happened a full 21 years ago.  How did this change your whole life going forward?

I was scouted at 14 yes and actively started my first season a couple of months later at age 15.  This year I am celebrating my 20th year as a working model in the industry.

I never in a million years thought that I would see the places I saw, let alone achieve success abroad in countries that celebrated my look.  Starting at such a young age, can either make or break you.  Not every country, every casting or every job is a success.  We basically work on an audition basis.  The small successes and small wins kept me motivated enough to keep going.  I am a fashion model, it is my “art’’.  I kept going for the love of it too.  When I landed in India, I finally found what I was looking for, and I feel they found it too!  I even ended up presenting a Television show and acted.  These were talents I never knew I had and never focused on growing.  The work pace and environment there taught me a lot and today I have a lot of resilience which I think is great for any business owner to have.  The “never give up” mentality with day-to-day rejection made me a stronger entrepreneur and model.

You have toured the world from a very young age.  You currently find yourself in India.  Do you still have some family in SA? 

Mumbai will always be my second home and I miss my whole community there so much.  I am currently based in Johannesburg with my race car driver husband Antonie Marx. We have businesses based here and all the major race tracks are of course in Gauteng! My family are all still based in SA.  When I lived in India I always came home for Christmas!

Tell us a bit more about the exhibition you are planning where you will be hosting your best works.  What can visitors expect? 

This is a passion project I decided to share with the world.  I never though of myself as a model who “made it”.  In our industry the Gisele Bundchen’s are the ones who really made it! We only want that “one big thing”. I booked the cover for Leef Magazine with a gorgeous insert in 2022 and the message was about wearing a crown. I realised in that moment, wow, 2023 marks 20 years, actively working and traveling, as a model.  20! That is MY, ONE, BIG, THING! I will be choosing some of my most valued achievements and showcase it as an art exhibition.  Not only will I exhibit, but Opulent Models SA will also run a scouting activation at the event. My story starts with a scout who saw me, perhaps we can keep the wonderful cycle going and find South Africa’s next supermodel or talent and hopefully as an older lady, I can go to their 20-year celebration one day!  But wait, there is more! We wanted to use the opportunity to do more! We will also be doing a “charity drop” on the day!  Visitors can bring a small gift or donation that will go towards Christmas Gifts for grannies and grandpa’s who are without their families on this special day!

Being in the modelling industry for 20 years, you are one of a very few that can say that “I lasted this long”.  How do you do this and what is the secret of becoming and staying such a success story?

I think because it is my one true way of expressing myself, a true art and passion.  Fashion modelling and film, is an art. The model is the canvas and the makeup artist, stylists, art directors and photographers all create a masterpiece.  It takes a full team.  I think this mindset keeps me in the industry. Looking at it as a hobby and passion.  The funny thing about life is, when you stop chasing and overthinking it, it all comes naturally. 

Is there any difference between the modelling industries locally in SA and abroad?

Yes. Very much so.  Modelling is a department of advertising in a sense.  Without businesses and brands looking to use models as part of an advertising campaign, there would be no modelling industry.  Different countries cater to different markets.  South African modelling is also more seasonal which is why local models will go to their preferred market abroad during off-season. 

Have you ever been a judge in a modelling competition ?  Is it difficult to judge a person based on looks? Tell us a bit more about it. 

Yes I have! I recently also judged Supreme King and Queen of South Africa at this year’s Miss Teen SA Pageant.  Luckily for me beauty is all about perception and beauty is only one category on the score card.  It is also about personality, poise, confidence, and your runway walk.  I am also currently scouting for the Opulent Model Search and looking for the most interesting fresh faces that are all beautiful, even curve and fitness models too.  Beauty climbed “out of its box” in the last 10 years and became so diversified, all are seen as beautiful, just in various categories.

We hope you will allow us to delve a bit into your personal life.  If the answer is yes, please tell us about the wonderful life of being married to a racing car driver?  As avid fans of racing ourselves, we can just imagine the glitz and glamour that goes with it.  However, on an emotional side, we think that every time your husband gets behind that wheel, you probably go into a panic state.  Is this true and how does this affect you as a person?

Of course, I would happily share our journey.  I am extremely proud to be married to a talented sportsman following his dream, and let’s face it, there is nothing more attractive than a man in a suit…especially a racing suit!!  Whenever he gets behind that wheel, he has laser focus and its game on!  He has been racing from a young age and its part of who he is.  It has its challenges just like any other sport.  The public only sees the finished car, the exciting race and the media around it, but there is a massive build up and weeks of preparation and working on the car, not your normal family routine!  I hold my breath every time he is on the track and pray very hard.  He has been in one or two horrific accidents, and it was the worst experience for us as a family and for others involved.  When you wait for him in the pits and hear there was an accident, but you can’t get to him, or have information on what happened and if or how bad he is hurt, you freeze.  Time freezes.  Every second feels like an hour until they bring him back while clearing the track. It affects both of us and each one deals with a different kind of trauma.  I am amazed though at his ability to stand up and get back in that car again, without fear.  Its inspiring.  It also helps that he is an extremely experienced driver and knows what he is doing. As I mention, I pretty much hold my breath each race, a big relief when all is safe and well.  If it was a win, we celebrate.  For me as a wife, I just want him to enjoy every minute of it and get back to us in one piece! We are extremely proud of him. 

Hope the little one is giving you all the joy that you have expected from being a mommy.  How do you juggle your time to enable you to do everything you do and being a mom to one year old Alexei?  (PS. We salute you on this) 

Thank you so much.  It means the world.  He is our whole world!  I have worked 23 hour days on my feet, filmed throughout the night many times and I can confidently say, no work I have ever done, is harder than that of being a mommy.  It is the hardest and the most rewarding as all moms would assure you.  I have had to swallow my pride and rely on help from family especially on short notice when things pop up.  I realised that your loved ones love to help and they love spending time with him too.  My husband Antonie and I just decided to roll with it and include him in all we do.  We even took an 8month old baby to the USA for a 2-month travel.  He has seen the whole US before he was one year old.  Antonie is amazing with him and we make a great team.  A good and solid support system, in any way shape or form, is the vital key for all mommies, especially those still juggling a career.  I am so so thankful for family.

On top of everything, you are also a brand ambassador for Opulent Models.  Please tell our readers about the competition, what it takes to enter, some tips for all the new entrants trying to make it big in the industry and what this all entails.

Opulent Models SA is the No 1 modelling competition in the country and has launched a global footprint, launching several different countries with Opulent Models International.  It is the biggest platform for aspiring or professional models in the industry.  It is a game changer!  Each and every year we have close to 5000 people in the audience with close to 200 models competing in 9 different categories including curve and fitness.  Opulent has been running for 10 years and  the Domination 2024 show is going to be the biggest show to date.  I started with a much smaller modelling competition when I was 14, and I have had an amazing experience.  I urge everyone to go and have a look at the categories on our site and register today! We have limited space available and registrations close 1 December 2023.  It might just be the game changer you were looking for!

What is your strongest and weakest points in life?

As a strong point I think I can be extremely resilient.  I am very “headstrong” and always but always stand up, no matter how hard the knock and no matter how bad the situation, I will find a way to navigate through it.  I’ve always known that the gift is to be alive, and other than that, life owes me nothing.  It is all up to me.  On the weaker side, I can be a procrastinator.  I am also very soft at heart and find it hard to say no.

Quick get to know you one answer questions:

  1. Your favorite color? Black
  2. Your favorite food? Italian
  3. Your favorite movie? The Count Of Montecristo
  4. Your favorite animal? My Golden Retriever Jessie
  5. Your favorite vacation destination? Maldives
  6. Your favorite superhero? Superman

To end with, what is your advice to young girls and boys who have a passion for the modelling industry and who wishes to get into it?

Don’t doubt yourself one bit and go for it! Even if you don’t end up modelling for 20 years, you will be amazed at what “putting yourself out there” will bring and attract into your life.  One thing always leads to another.  You never know who you might meet, where you might travel to or in the end as with many other models I know, it may just lead you into another passion or work path.  Enter a competition like the Opulent Model Search and gain some experience and exposure with industry experts, or join an agency and start auditioning.  Take a chance on yourself and follow your dreams. I have tried out many dreams.  Some worked, some didn’t, but how will you know, if you don’t go for it!  Never compare yourself to anyone else.  Only you, can run your race!

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