We are lied to between 10 and 200 times a day and tell a lie ourselves at least once or twice in the same period. If you’ve ever wished that you could know when you were being lied to, DECODE DECEIT is the book for you. Written by one of South Africa’s leading human lie detectors, Lizette Volkwyn, it delves into the fascinating realm of human lie detection and communication science.
“Human lie detection is a relatively new science and contrary to belief, it is not a skill exclusive to security and intelligence forces, but one that is useful for anyone who wishes to improve their communication and conversational skills,” says Lizette. “In fact, its value to our everyday lives is underrated. As a Master Life Coach, I’ve noticed time and again that many of our challenges stem from miscommunication and unmet expectations because of lies, deceit, and emotions that were incorrectly interpreted.”
As such writing the book, she says, was non-negotiable. “I want to share my knowledge as a human lie detector with as many people as possible, equipping them with tools and techniques which will enable them to communicate more openly and professionally. My goal with this book is not to necessarily equip people with the tools to expose liars, but rather to help foster transparency and to motivate people to feel confident enough to speak openly and honestly. Additionally, I want to help people improve their communication skills.”
According to Lizette the title explains exactly what readers can expect. “People often think that detecting a lie is very complicated and that there must be a hidden code to unlocking this skill. The book debunks this myth. Written in an easy-to-read conversational style, the book guides readers through each technique, showing them what to look for in everyday conversations to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff. It also includes real-life scenarios.
DECODE DECEIT will be available on Amazon or via www.lizettevolkwyn.com from 24 May 2023. (online and/or hard copy).
The book is supplementary to Lizette’s popular workshop, I CAN SEE YOU LIE, which according to author and professional critic Leon van Nierop “was one of the most informative, professional, and life-changing workshops I have ever attended.” It features guest speaker Marcus Coetzee who, alongside Lizette, is the only other certified PEI human lie detector in the country.
The next workshop will take place at the Centurion Golf Club Country Estate on 2 and 3 June 2023. Open to anyone looking to improve their personal or professional communication skills, it will teach attendees to control their emotions, identify lies, and improve their overall communication by sharing the basic principles of lie detection.
However, like the book, the workshop is not just about uncovering lies. Lizette explains: “In today’s world, where communication is the key to success, it is more important than ever to be able to accurately interpret people’s intentions and detect lies. By delving deep into topics such as cognitive interviewing, micro expressions, and how to detect a lie, this workshop teaches vitals skills such as recognising deception in others, helping people to avoid being taken advantage of or misled.”
The two-day I CAN SEE YOU LIE workshop costs R2 850 per person. For more information or to register, send an email to info@lizettevolkwyn.com or visit www.lizettevolkwyn.com.
Lizette is a Jill of all trades who, following a corporate career spanning more than two decades, decided to follow her passion and launch her own consultancy. Initially qualifying as a Master Life Coach, she decided to undergo the rigorous training involved in becoming a human lie detector – her course comprised 29 candidates from 27 countries, 24 of whom were from intelligence agencies – to enable her to better understand her clients.
Some of her career highlights to date include presenting at the Swedish Embassy during Nobel Peace Prize week, being selected as one of 14 candidates for the exclusive CeFF programme, which kicked off in May, and the ongoing feedback from people that she has changed their lives.
In addition to her work as a human lie detector, Lizette offers personal life coaching, sales, leadership and communication training, self-discovery workshops, group coaching, and online marketing training. She is also a published author and international keynote speaker who has shared the stage with thought leaders such as Robin Banks, Russell Fox, and Justin Cohen. Additionally, she is a regular guest on national radio stations, magazines, and international podcasts.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/confidentlyfindingme
Instagram: @lizette_volkwyn
Twitter: @LizetteVolkwyn
Website: www.lizettevolkwyn.com