2 300 People in South Africa have been diagnosed with haemophilia

According to the World Federation of Haemophilia (WFH) around 2 300 people in South Africa have been diagnosed with haemophilia, but it is estimated that another 15 000 around the country are undiagnosed.

One of them are the renowned South African author, speaker, trainer, facilitator, life coach and firewalking instructor, Cobus Visser, who was diagnosed with haemophilia as a child.  As part of his ongoing commitment to raising awareness and understanding of haemophilia, this peak performance coach, also known as Cobus ‘The Viking’ Visser will be joining the global community in marking World Haemophilia Day on 17 April 2023.

“Haemophilia and related bleeding disorders are lifelong chronic conditions for which there are no cures. They affect a person’s ability to clot blood, which can turn a minor trauma that wouldn’t ordinarily be cause for concern, such as bump or a visit to the dentist, into a potentially life-threatening event,” explains Cobus. “Unfortunately, because haemophilia is so rare, it often gets overlooked.”

Cobus possesses an insatiable appetite for helping others and, despite being in constant pain, for continuously growing and challenging himself. In 2013, he found himself in the hospital, unable to move. Instead of giving up, he decided his body would no longer be his prison and regardless of his condition, he has accomplished incredible physical feats, including climbing Mount Kilimanjaro on crutches in 2018.

“When I was born, the life expectancy of people with haemophilia was 11 years,” says Cobus. “Thanks to advances in medicine and technology, there is now an aging population of haemophiliacs around the globe. As we get older, we and our loved ones face a new set of challenges. My goal is to highlight the impact of haemophilia on those affected, and to serve as advocate for patients, families and caregivers who manage life with the condition.”

Cobus is a member of and advocate for the South African Haemophilia Foundation. On World Haemophilia Day he wants to encourage South Africans to educate themselves about the condition by visiting https://haemophilia.org.za/.

Cobus has made it his life’s work to help individuals, business leaders and people with disabilities. Over the past decade, he has worked with hundreds of individuals and local and international leaders, teams, and organisations to achieve peak performance.

He holds a BBA in Marketing Management from the IMM Graduate School and is close to completing his MBA in Marketing at the University of Edinburgh. He is also expertly qualified as a Certified Master Firewalking instructor, a Certified Master NLP Life Coach and Trainer, an Executive Business Coach, and a ShadowMatch and enneagram facilitator. In addition, he has completed courses in Applied Sports Psychology, Train the Trainer, and Mental Strength, among others.

It is his lived experience that drives Cobus to motivate and inspire others, and to succeed in various professional arenas.

He is the only Master Firewalker in South Africa and his executive coaching helps driven, powerful, forward-thinking individuals achieve more impact with less effort.

As a global speaker and business strategist he uses his inspiring life story to help individuals and businesses reach their full potential and as a teambuilding facilitator he uses a variety of activities – from glass and fire walking to board and arrow breaking and hula-hooping – to help teams understand each other better.

Since starting this journey, Cobus has twice been honoured with the Men of Valour award. He has also achieved several personal and professional milestones, with climbing Mount Kilimanjaro on crutches, and speaking in front of 3 500 people on stage and 10 000 people online, standing out as highlights.

Cobus lives his life according to two maxims – #whateverittakes and #livewithoutregret – and spends his free time travelling, hiking, watching movies, and broadening his horizons by completing short courses on various topics.

The divorced father of two currently lives in Centurion, Gauteng.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CobusVisserViking8

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cobusvisser_supermanlife7/

Website: www.cobusvisser.com

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