Janco Dreyer’s life revolves around music, and there is nothing that this 23-year-old singer and songwriter from Bloemfontein would rather be doing.
His passion for music is evident in his latest single, BOSOPSKOP, written by Hugo Ludik and Nick Jordaan.
“It’s about a group of youngsters who set up camp and have a party,” he explains. “One of the young men falls in love with the girl of his dreams, and even though his friends warn him against her, he feels that she is worth the risk of heartbreak.”
This catchy tune was produced by Brendan Campbell and Hugo Ludik, and the artist believes that it will appeal to audiences of all ages.
Janco has been singing since he was eleven and after making the decision to give up rugby for music, singing has become his main focus.
Over the years, Janco has participated in various initiatives, including Jacobus Silwer’s All the Way from Bloem songwriting project. He has performed at major festivals, competed in various talent competitions, and has even had the opportunity to represent his country in the USA.
His first single, Ek Sal Dit Onthou, was released in March 2022. Although it is vastly different from the carefree nature of his latest release, he considers it one of the biggest highlights of his career so far.
“Last year, I released my first single. It was a very personal ballad, and it was a privilege to share it with listeners. But I think the public prefers something more upbeat like BOSOPSKOP.”
He is currently studying music technology at COPA and working hard to expand his arsenal of original music.
When he is not on stage, he’s an introvert who thinks deeply about life and draws inspiration from the events and people around him when writing songs.
“I am usually quite shy and reserved, but on stage, I turn into a performer,” he shares.
Locally he admires and enjoys Nicholis Louw’s pop-rock approach to music, while international stars like Queen, Elvis Presley, and Ed Sheeran have all had a significant influence on his personal music style.
Although he is still struggling to come to terms with his father’s death, he remains positive and grateful for each opportunity that comes his way and is determined to make a success of his career.
This talented musician has poured his heart and soul into BOSOPSKOP, and the result is something truly special. With a fun and infectious melody, and a voice that demands attention, Janco is well ons his way to making a name for himself in the music industry.
“Music is my entire life, and my biggest dream is to sing and perform as much as possible,” he concludes.
The song is now available on digital streaming platforms. Get it here:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/7znVqj2Hiti3jCF2K0Cd6r?si=4SXY8StkQV2URcqk_EneMg&dd=1
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/bosopskop/1678491858?i=1678491859
Youtube: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=9xpbrMZdrDc&feature=share
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jancodreyermusiek
Instagram: janco_dreyer
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@jancodreyer890